
Tell the world you've been here by leaving a comment in the Guestbook! No foul or offensive language please!



pcwzrd13: I am here! ... or am I???? - 05/04/2019
Jobel: hello! - 05/04/2019
GentleOnJames: Present! - 05/04/2019
roomba: hiiiiiiii - 05/05/2019
Nz17: Join the uprising! - 05/05/2019
Nz17: Support the Dreamcast Liberation Front! - 05/05/2019
ToTo: heeeeyyy!! Awesome!! - 05/05/2019
KFAQ: Dreamcast gang rise up! - 05/08/2019
Ribbz: Present! - 05/09/2019
boye: Dreamcast Master Race for life! - 05/11/2019
blackblackbelt: Hi everyone :D !! - 05/21/2019
louis012345678: This site works great on my psp :-) - 05/31/2019
<<-SFTC->>: nice. - 06/07/2019
WedgeStratos: Don't call it a comeback. It's been here for years - 06/10/2019
mistamontiel: f@!#$! lovely!!!@# - 07/07/2019
superman200x: wow this is cool - 07/11/2019
Xiden: hello world - 08/14/2019
DC9_9_99: It's thinking - HMU on the DreamPipe BBS - 08/17/2019
Phreak: just got online for the first time! Hello! - 08/19/2019
PEROXIDO: Cool - 08/20/2019
U.R Handsome: It's true. - 08/22/2019
Roger: Dreamcast controller was shithouse - 08/23/2019
dan: wooo! been loving the dreamcast online scene B) - 08/25/2019
88m: dreamcast go go :) - 10/05/2019
pipporamone: it is still thinking!!!!!! - 10/15/2019
Blaze: Henlo - 11/23/2019
247: i guess, well, 247 was here :P - 12/02/2019
Nz17: Thanks, PCWzrd13! - 12/05/2019
jono: yeeeee - 12/10/2019
Blayer98: Hello! Hasn’t been a comment here for a while! - 12/12/2019
UgleeChicken: I love all your work! Thanks guys - 12/23/2019
SuperChris: Finally! A website that works with the Dreamcast! - 01/05/2020
NamuKamu: Welcome to 2020 Dreamcast! - 01/26/2020
jtduckman: follow ya boi - 02/22/2020
zakhooi.devkit: online again - 03/04/2020
TurboFly: Everyone needs a DreamPi! 2020/03/21 - 03/21/2020
WT-450: I am here and it's 2020! all hail dreamcast! - 03/24/2020
9/9/99: th i nking - 04/01/2020
qweqwe1: setting up the dialup server was pain - 04/05/2020
JarHead: 2020 - 04/11/2020
louis012345678: I finally got a dreampi and it's great :D - 04/19/2020
MLD: we out here! - 04/28/2020
retrospector: this coronavirus is a real drag - 05/03/2020
Joashwa: Hello everyone! - 05/05/2020
Cornerb0y: Hey all! Online via BBA, my pi is on the fritz. :( - 05/14/2020
jmuh: hi there! - 05/31/2020
Phreak: Its been a year for me, glad to still be playing - 06/29/2020
tomgreen23: best system ever - 07/03/2020
AXM: this is cool! - 08/03/2020
Antify: E - 09/29/2020
TigerMacZ: Finally done it, hello from Dreampassport 3! :) - 10/03/2020
Cinnabyte: Here on my dreamcast, via Linux PC-DC server! :) - 11/06/2020
Xiden: hello from sega saturn netlink - 11/07/2020
chopapik: op - 12/19/2020
Sonic the H.: Hello World :) - 12/19/2020
Tails: UwU - 12/19/2020
KSTR: Merry_Gecsmas_Ya'll_(I'm_not_sorry_lul) - 12/22/2020
Ammonius: What in the world sees, hears and thinks? - 12/27/2020
nucleardoom: dreamcast 2021 - 01/11/2021
SonicZZ92: It's still thinking in 2021. Glad to join! - 01/23/2021
@dominic_warne: dreams come true! im here! - 02/18/2021
Veraster: The Dreamcast is awesome! - 03/11/2021
Radhew: Cool to see so much activity even now!! - 03/27/2021
Vinny: i am a player to PSO, Q3A and other online game - 03/29/2021
Rafael Nogueira: Hello guys! - 03/31/2021
prototype034: glad im able to play my SEGA DREAMCAST ONLINE - 05/02/2021
thedemon1238: I can't believe that i'm using dreamcast online :) - 05/16/2021
Gwyn9x: Back online in 2021! Thanks PCWizard13 <3 - 05/20/2021
CatFace: Hewwo fewwow Sega Fans! Hewwo Worwd! - 06/12/2021
4tifiedGaming: May your Dreamcast never be dusty - 06/22/2021
helios: dreamcast lives! - 08/03/2021
Chris5412: This is awesome. - 08/21/2021
Pip: Dreamcast > PS2 - 08/22/2021
xrunner48: Hello from 1999! - 08/29/2021
jon.....: dc still amzn 20 years later - 09/11/2021
BB: hell0 w@rld - 09/15/2021
baahemian: Keeping the dream alive in 2021 <3 - 09/18/2021
aez: flycast rulez:) looks like real dreamcast! - 09/29/2021
Kaliko: Random visitor on my DC visiting your site :D - 10/11/2021
Rlux: aayy - 11/03/2021
GeemerIV: Checking out online in Flycast. Dreampi soon! - 11/27/2021
spudpiggy: pretty cool that flycast supports this. sentonxb1 - 12/11/2021
toggo33: i am a proud user for 2 years, and now im online - 12/14/2021
SmugMog: Amy's stages in SA1 are the best, Fight me. - 12/24/2021
BurgAlert: A couple is playing Dreamcast together, Xmas 2021 - 12/25/2021
Alphox: Merry Christmas! - 12/25/2021
sutt22: Merry Christmas!!! :-) - 12/26/2021
Ninth: Henlo - 12/31/2021
Retro-45: Happy new year eve and hello - 01/01/2022
Trekeln: this thing seems great lmao - 01/02/2022
redguy834: We are ARKS! - 01/08/2022
demonickatsu: best console - 01/12/2022
DepressedFather: Where did you take the children, Karen?!? - 01/14/2022
Gocha: 3rd year online for me, glad to be here. - 01/19/2022
Uzume: Greetings from Planeptune! - 01/25/2022
SEND HELP AAAAA: Hello from 1999! - 01/29/2022
Satakore: Hi everyone! Dreancast is still alive :D Cheers - 01/30/2022
Dreamcast 2040: The future is bright! - 02/13/2022
CMA: Wazzup!! - 02/16/2022
fran5678can: im amazed theres still activity here. :-) - 02/21/2022
Zai205: Ikr - 02/22/2022
Dbombre: nothin since 2019. UNTIL I SHOWED UP - 03/12/2022
Dbombre: nevermind i didint scroll down - 03/12/2022
Chris Simpson: Cool website. - 03/12/2022
NALTO: I'm here! I made it! Dreamcast forever! - 03/15/2022
K$TR: Dreamcast, more like dreaming about some b#*@&3$ - 03/20/2022
Spleet: Ce n'est pas la realite.... est-ce? - 03/24/2022
Donny: Let's get that IRC channel going again - 03/26/2022
Donny: Saturn was better anyways long live the Saturn :P - 03/26/2022
ravingCANVAS: respects to uncle sonic... - 04/03/2022
Lasagna64: Greetings! - 04/08/2022
emma: my bf likes the dc and now so do i yay! - 04/11/2022
Laserdisc9x: Toy Story 2 on Dreamcast is a terrible port. - 04/18/2022
Titan Guy: Dreamcast forever! Love ya brothers! - 04/18/2022
DaveDaBeast: Long live the Dreamcast, love this community! - 05/02/2022
jinx: jinx waz here - 05/09/2022
Nathan Boehm: Tastes like grapes! - 05/09/2022
SoundHoundJay: Really excited to be a part of this community now! - 05/14/2022
NKhazov94: Dreamcast is real real awesome - 05/21/2022
Patter: Subscribe To PetterKenetter On - 05/24/2022
MoldyGH: Play The Dave And Bambi Mod For FNF - 05/24/2022
Kirtide: hola! - 05/30/2022
SLENDER_SPY: hey sony...... YOU CANT STOP THE SIGNAL! - 06/03/2022
Sh4dow: I need a DC KB so bad! - 06/10/2022
Mat: I'm online, on my japan dreamcast in Poland. - 06/12/2022
HylianBran: Long live Dreamcast! Also play Napple Tale - 06/20/2022
dani9p15: dreamcast 2022 - 06/23/2022
manks: Still thinkin' - 06/30/2022
beavis: this rules - 07/04/2022
1999vibe: drinking snapple fire in a bucket hat in 99 - 07/12/2022
Neotext: Conecting on my tablet! - 07/15/2022
bradicus: \w - 07/18/2022
t3mie: hello dreamcast users! ps. use ;-) - 07/27/2022
kait: using flycast right now until i get a modem - 08/20/2022
wuud: i am addicted to casting my line - 08/31/2022
Charlieboy: holler holler - 09/09/2022
Jdog9122339: Gota love these old sites still kickin - 09/14/2022
jrmedd: Online at last - 09/16/2022
vad12: Shouting out from the Saturn Netlink o_O - 09/18/2022
Stu: Long Live the Dreamcast - 09/30/2022
Mathias: Merci pour votre taff de ouf ! - 10/01/2022
Sunny: Dreamcast has the best online experience! - 10/15/2022
Karl: Greetings from an idiot with an emulator! - 10/25/2022
Spaps: I love my Shenmue machine! - 10/25/2022
segaDropping: C'mooon LETS PLAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! >:D - 12/14/2022
louis012345678: Merry Christmas Everyone! - 12/25/2022
louis012345678: Get that SA Christmas DLC Running! - 12/25/2022
gigachad: im on dreamcast browser - 12/31/2022
CrispityCrunchy: Happy new year! - 01/01/2023
griant: i completed 1st year online - 01/01/2023
Alexvar: First time visiting from a Dreamcast!! - 01/20/2023
Bigstump1981: Keeping the Dreamcast ALIVE!!! here in 2023 - 02/07/2023
griant: The dream never dies - 03/05/2023
goodbyegalaxy: glad 2 be here. dreamcast 4 ever - 03/15/2023
jtduckman: shoutouts to the dlc archive - 03/30/2023
Gabe: Hello from Flycast! - 04/07/2023
meow: meow - 04/11/2023
Xion: This is a Dreamcast disc, and is for use only on t - 05/08/2023
Koharacast: haiiiii!! we're still thinking :3 - 06/08/2023
whoa220/waltr: i always come back. - 06/13/2023
Sonic1994CD: Just testing stuff ;) - 06/16/2023
Bruno Vieira 90: Hey! I'm Here. - 07/06/2023
vintagebench: oh joy! - 07/08/2023
John: Hello everyone! I am glad of being here! Be happy! - 07/21/2023
Stocke: New dreamcast user online, love it! - 07/22/2023
Moonstar: The Dreamcast was truly ahead of it's time - 08/01/2023
tonyravioli: hey guys - 08/16/2023
KeiNishimaru: Don't worry, I got up. Also, heyo from my DC! - 08/28/2023
kunja: netnet was here - 10/26/2023
shull: love - 11/02/2023
Kamui: wow this works?! Kamui was here! yubear crew! - 11/03/2023
Thunderlipps: Amazed to see the dreamcast still alive. - 11/04/2023
jajadingo: on ie 4 but does that matter - 11/07/2023
Applejuice13031: Hey. Very nostalgia-inducing site you got here. - 11/23/2023
Applejuice13031: Came here from the equally nostalgic - 11/23/2023
Van Halbgott: I used to be a famous Hunter on Ragol in PSO V2! - 11/26/2023
GamingWizard04: dreamcast lives!!! - 11/27/2023
fiddleafox: I'm here too! - 11/29/2023
Van Halbgott: Follow me on Mastodon/Lemmy/Wordpress!@vanhalbgott - 12/13/2023
Neotext: Got a Real dreamcast and am now connected! - 12/15/2023
leomomn: oh this is it also dreampipe bb - 12/19/2023
1999: 9.9.1999 - 12/19/2023
Pachysaur: Found this while looking up a friend, love DC - 01/09/2024
sudaca: lets go kenji eno - 01/10/2024
Gemdation: Hi :D - 01/14/2024
Andy S: woot im online - 01/17/2024
louis012345678: Nice to see this site on the dreampipe homepage :D - 01/20/2024
stickthefigure: Built my own line voltage inducer, I did it!! - 01/22/2024
toastedgreedo: Pretty new to Dreamcast, but this is really cool! - 01/26/2024
Bodhi32X: I love my dreamcast 🌀 - 01/30/2024
Segarulz: sega saturn! - 02/01/2024
Derek: Dreamcast forever! - 02/03/2024
SammyCola: Look mom no DreamPi! - 02/11/2024
Van Halbgott: Hello again...take care of yourselves everyone! - 02/27/2024
Cartoomy: Howdy! Howdy1 - 03/07/2024
Rox: Hiya all, I am now officially a dork! :3 - 03/11/2024
DrLemonzz: Hello all! Greetings from my Dreamcast! TY DreamPI - 03/12/2024
cello: long live the dreamcast - 03/19/2024
Piers: Cool! - 03/21/2024
Van Halbgott: "Lucy, I'm home!" -Ricky, I Love Lucy - 03/23/2024
Jason: Finally got my Dreamcast online 25 years too late! - 03/26/2024
pikeman fan 200: any1 wanna hdlp me evolve my machoke - 03/30/2024
Hikari: am am - 04/02/2024
gepp3n03: hi there - 04/03/2024
Jason: 2024! shoutout all the dreamcast fans - 04/07/2024
james: hello - 04/10/2024
蹴りもさん: I wish I played Bomberman Online... Online - 04/11/2024
リユモヰン: 私も(°∀°) - 04/11/2024
darky: thanks for all, we will never forget - 04/13/2024
TheMGMfan: Me like Dreamcast - 04/24/2024
YB: dreamcast is gud. hello from France at 2024 - 04/26/2024
MaskMW: Just passing through - 04/30/2024
>^..^<: :P - 05/04/2024
StormCat15: My DC's first time online today in 24 years! - 05/07/2024
dtlux1: Got my Dreamcast online!!! - 05/07/2024
Retrononymous_: - 05/10/2024
CRAZISATURN: Hello from 2024! I'm glad to be part of DCLive! - 05/20/2024
Tron: I'm back and I fight for the Users! - 05/20/2024
quack: play galaga :D - 05/28/2024
leaf: this is my first time playing on dreamcast :O !! - 05/28/2024
Raudy: hello! - 06/05/2024
tony2sonic: great job! love the site!!!! my dreamcast is happy - 06/13/2024
9[;: play bishi bashi special (^_^) - 06/17/2024
MediaDisc: Going online with Dreamcast for the first time! - 06/27/2024
GEPP3N03: Greetings from planetweb 2.0! - 06/29/2024
shloompter: hello ! - 07/06/2024
Sedia: Greetings from Italy! - 07/06/2024
Dirtymidget723: Joined in 2022 but saying hey now! find me in PSO! - 07/11/2024
Piers: Still cool! - 07/20/2024
Caden: I can't believe this still works! Wow! 07/24/2024 - 07/24/2024
Yarlik: Flycast is awesome emu for dc network!! - 07/30/2024
Yarlik again: hello from russion with love :] - 07/30/2024
Raudy: hello! from my dsi xl XD - 08/01/2024
Champz: Dreamcast forever! - 08/07/2024
Knee: Who knew this existed? - 08/08/2024
jrocker23: hey all. dreamcast forever! - 08/12/2024
Van Halbgott: This just in, GameStop has gone retro now! - 08/30/2024
Van Halbgott: Oh, and I'm still hunting on Ragol! (PSOV2) - 08/30/2024
DenDenpaDreamer: Yo! It's still thinking! - 09/12/2024
S U P A V G X: its still thinking - 09/13/2024
Majestano: Hey there! Here for the big 25th anniversay! - 09/14/2024
OpaOpa: sonci - 09/15/2024
TOSTR: Hello from Windows XP! and 2024...lolz - 10/04/2024
jody: i wonder whats for dinner!!! - 10/05/2024
Alex R: BIRD UP - 10/09/2024
Platter: Here from a DSi this time :) - 10/13/2024
Joey: hi! :-) - 10/31/2024
flinty: hewwo! ^w^ - 11/05/2024
Pixelated_Nick: Hello fellas, talking from a 2005's Pocket PC :D - 11/06/2024
FritzTheWolf: Long live SEGA! Buy another Dreamcast. - 11/09/2024
Zetta: Thank you for all your hard work!-posted from a DC - 11/16/2024
Joeoie: Greetings from 2024! Got the dreamcast keyboard :) - 11/18/2024
MagneticSTTC: Spent a few months trying but your boy's here!!! - 11/19/2024
Rafael Nogueira: Much love from Brazil Greetings 2024, and 2025 - 12/04/2024
DarkMaster: Dark wuz here :P - 12/12/2024
tomks322: i was here - 12/13/2024
Sergeant 16-Bit: Yooooooooo, the DreamPi Works! - 12/27/2024
Str-800: Keep Dreaming! Happy New Year! - 01/02/2025
mcj01: I W@Z H3RE - 01/05/2025
ABN: helooo i was here - 01/05/2025
AGC: Ok, this is actually really cool - 01/08/2025
Matt Byers: Hi! 1st time online with my Dreamcast since 2001! - 01/17/2025
SquidHominid: Hello from 2025! Amazing you can still play online - 01/18/2025